Lookit all this, a shiny new blog! I’ve finally moved off Tumblr, which was a great platform but I felt like it was time to move on. Along with the change of platforms, I’ve also decided to approach this blog from a different angle. I’ll be posting more often and many of my posts will have to do with the writing process. I know, I know, just what the world needs, another navel-gazing writer writing about writing. Sorry about my narcissism. Smooches.

The other big shift is that I’ll be moving most of my short stories off the site. Where are they going? A few of the lucky ones will end up on Amazon after some heavy editing. The rest, well, sometimes you just gotta do that quality control thing. I’ve already done this with John Is Dead. It’s all about experimentation.

As for the new blog platform, luckily I have a few nerd superpowers so I can use tools like Jekyll to author my posts and Amazon S3 for hosting. The upshot of going this way is that I have a lot more freedom to format this site how I like, and hopefully I’ll do a bit better in the search engine rankings as well. The extra freedom will allow me to experiment more with things like SEO, mailing list signups, and whatever else springs to mind.

Cheers and thanks for being one of the literally dozen of people who read my blog.